Stash buster skirt and new yarn!

I loved the skater skirt so much that I wanted to wear it everyday. So I made another one as a stash buster project and used up a bunch of random acrylic I have had taking up space. I don’t love it as much as the teal and neon yellow, but it definitely served its purpose and I even wore it to visit a new (to me) yarn store today! Here it is:


Speaking of yarn store, I checked out a new one today. Spent about an hour feeling everything in the store (of course) and left with some knitting needles and a couple hanks of Berrocco Cotton/Acrylic blend to practice with. I’ve decided that I should be fluent in not only crochet, but knitting as well. So, I am forcing myself to work through a knitted project. I have always preferred crochet because I like to make up my projects as I go along. With knitting it seems like you have to have it planned out beforehand. So this will be a lesson in patience for me. But I love the colors I chose and I am excited to try out these new needles. They are Knitters Pride brand, the maker of my favorite crochet hooks (the Dreamz line), so I’m hoping this will up my tactile-experience! Here’s what I’m working with:


Ooooh..ahhh.. Ok, now that we’ve oogled the lovely yarny things, do you have any suggestions on what project I should start with? I’d love to do something with a bold stripe (alternating these colors) in something I can wear after it’s finished. Comment and tell me what you think!

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